This summer Anthony started playing in the Bella String Quartet which plays for weddings and different event. In October, they played for the Music Academy fundraiser at Midway Village in Rockford.
Since I have been so busy, I have not had a chance to post on the blog, so now I will try to catch up! The week before our birthday, Mom had a party for Andrew, Anthony, and I. We had the Caswells, Rhoes, and Grandma and Grandpa Gillingham over for supper and games. It was a lot of fun! :)
our birthday cake
We played several fun games of monster volleyball! :)
Happy Birthday!!!! :)
Anthony had just trusted Christ as his Savior a couple of weeks earlier, so we sang "Happy Born Again Birthday" to him as well!!
Since we now have a little baby in the house and since I love to take pictures, there may be quite a few pictures of Arek on the blog for a while. ;) It is hard to believe that Arek is already a week old! Here are some the pictures that I'm behind on posting.
Dad, Mom, and Arek right before they came home from the hospital last Wednesday.
A couple of days ago, I tried to take some pictures of Arek but this is what he did most of the time. lol I got a few good ones, but I will try to take more sometime this week when he is a little happier. :)
He cooperated so well for me for the baby feet picture!!! I really like it!
We are a homeschooling family with six children between the ages of 22 to six months.David is an auto technichian and owns his own shop. April is a full time stay at home mom not to mention homeschooling the kids. We are dedicated to serving God and sharing about God's amazing grace.
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose."