You will have to put up with another post of pictures of Alec. These were taken a couple days ago, and they are really cute.

He has recently discovered the dog.
Hmmm...I wonder what this is. Let's try pulling it.

Finally two teeth!

He has started getting up on all fours but is not quite crawling yet.

This picture is washed out, but his smile was too funny. :)

His favorite toy to chew on

I just had to throw this one in. Aaron and Anthony were reading Biology and did not want their picture taken.

Alec loves to get the magazines under the coffee table. It looks like he is reading this one!
Completely under the table
He loves to ride on people's shoulders.
starting to sit up

Hope you enjoy all these pictures. I promise I will not do another full of post of Alec for a while. ;)
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