Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Photos of the Boys Part 1

Yesterday, we decided to head out to Oakdale so I could take some pictures of the boys. My emotions about the photo shoot could be described as: frustrating, exasperating, exhausting, etc. Imagine trying to get five boys looking at the camera at the same time and one of them of baby! I did manage to get a few good ones. On Thursday, we are going to head back out there to take some more and retake some. ;)

Not sure what Alec was doing in this one. ;)

love this one
adorable!!!!- I didn't get them to smile at each other either. I just when you can capture a candid moment.

the brotherhood- I took some jumping pics of them which were really cool, but they didn't turn out due to lighting. You will have to look for them on part 2.
A little too much sun, but I still kinda liked it.

I thought the haze created by the sun in this pic was neat.
After about five photos like this, they all finally are looking at the camera and smiling!
Austin is a little stinker!
This is what usually happens. Everybody else is perfect but one person isn't cooperating.

Haha! Babies get distracted easily!

Overall the photo shoot went pretty good, and I had fun taking them. Hopefully some of the poses I discarded can be retaken when it is not so sunny out.


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