Alec's 2nd birthday was yesterday, so we had a party for him last night.

The table all ready

Mom decorated a big sugar cookie for Alec. :)

the birthday boy!!!!

Alec loves jello, but he was having trouble keeping it on the spoon so.....

he just licked it out of the container. lol

We tried to get everyone to wear their party hats, but Andrew and Aaron refused. ;)

Dad and Andrew were blowing the party horns in order to annoy me.

The boys thought it was so hilarious to make DJ wear a hat.


Alec's gifts

Alec loved opening gifts.

He loves yogurt covered raisins and had to take them to Mom to have her open them right away.


Alec really liked the car that Austin gave him. :)

He was delighted with the cars that Aaron and Anthony gave him.

Trying out his new potty seat. ;)

showing Mom his new outfit

Alec loved the magna-doodle!!!

We got two candles that played "Happy Birthday", and Mom and Anthony were having hard time trying to get them turned on at the same time!

"I want some!"

He wasn't patient enough to wait. lol He LOVES frosting!

haha.... It looks like he is trying to eat the fire, but that is how he blew out the candles.

I like how Dad is trying to show Alec how to blow them out. ;)

Enjoying his cake and ice cream! :)
Happy Birthday Alec!!!!!
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