Thursday, August 5, 2010

Yellowstone Lake Campout 2010

We went camping with friends from Wednesday night fellowship this week on Sunday-Wednesday. It was a lot of fun!!! The weather was a little rainy on Monday but only the girl's tent leaked. Thanks Matty for letting us sleep in your tent! Tuesday was pretty hot, but we all just hung out at the beach. The whole time there was plenty of boating, swimming, volleyball, badminton, singing, and just fellowshipping. This quick posting is for you Jonathan since I know how anxious you were to see the pictures. ;)
(Photo Credits: Dad took all of the water pictures and I did the non-water ones.)
the campsite

Day 1: Sunday
music around the campfire
Mr. Skelton cooking supper

Mrs. Wunschel and Sarah S.
Mr. Grib, Mr. Rhoe, and Mr. Wunschel
Sarah R. and Alec
singing 1 John 4:7-8 before we ate supper
Austin and Anna

Mr. and Mrs. Wunschel

Day 2: Monday
a time of singing and devotions

After devotions, we headed down to the lake for some water activities. :)

Alec had a blast playing in the water!! He was not scared of it at all!

playing in the sand

Mr. Rhoe took anyone tubing who wanted to go. Some rides were more wild than others! ;)
Jonathan and Aaron
Anthony and Sarah R.

me and Sarah S.
loading up new people
Sarah R.

crashing into each other
and over Anthony goes

They liked bumping into each other a lot I think. ;)

Aaron and Matty's turn

Aaron managed to correct himself, but Matty fell off.

spectators from the beach
Jonathan and Mark

WOW... Jonathan really caught some air!!!

That had to hurt coming back down. :/
Mr. Skelton and Mark

When we got back from the beach, Mr. Rhoe set up a game for the kids to do. There were cups with water in them and you had to blow ping pongs and get them to land in the other cup.
Sarah R.

Alec was quite mesmerized by the game. :)

The Rhoes planned a surprise baby shower for Mom on the campout.
Sarah helped the Wednesday night fellowship kid's choir practice "Jesus Loves the Little Children" to sing for the shower.
Since everyone was there, they decided to have the families come too rather than just the ladies. :)
opening gifts

Mom with the beautiful cake
Thank you ladies for making it very special for Mom!!!! It was a big blessing to her!
playdough time
games of badminton

Anthony and Jonathan against...
Mr. Tucker and Matty.

Day 3: Tuesday
The little ones had a good old time playing at the playground just up from the campsite.

Mr. Rhoe wanted to try out our camera so he took some of these pictures. :~)
Mr. Skelton
Photo credit: Mr. Rhoe
Photo credit: Mr. Rhoe
Photo credit: Mr. Rhoe
Sarah R.
Photo credit: Mr. Rhoe

Mr. Rhoe and Dad
We started out the day with some singing and devotions. I took some close up pictures during it.

Aaron did a great job playing "Sanctuary" on the mandolin.

Jonathan played the guitar on one of songs.

so cute!! :)

Since Tuesday was really hot, we all headed down to the beach. Some of us went tubing again and the rest of us swam. Our group was probably the most crazy boat people on the lake! lol Everyone who tube tried standing up while on the tube, and some people jumped off the boat while going pretty fast. It was pretty cool though when Anthony, Aaron, Matty, and Sarah R. all jumped off of the boat right after each other!! Unfortunately, Dad didn't get a picture of it. :/
Sarah R.

Mr. Skelton's hairdo after driving the boat. lol ;)
fun in the water

At the end of the day, Alec was so tuckered out that he fell asleep with a sucker in his mouth.
We played a game where you had to guess what year certain camping items were first used.
On Wednesday morning, we packed up. Thankfully, we got most everything packed up before it started to rain! The campout was a lot of fun!!! It was so nice to spend time fellowshipping with good friends!


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