Friday, September 3, 2010

Anthony's Birthday Outing

Since it is Anthony's 16th birthday this year, Mom and Dad wanted to do something special for him. They surprised him and Dad took him to St. Louis for a "Do Hard Things" conference and to some sightseeing.
The first day they went to the see the arch and few other things.
some views from the top of the arch- In the this picture you can see the stadium where the St. Louis Cardinals play.

There was also a museum under the arch.

Dad got some cool pictures of the arch.

On Saturday, they attended the "Do Hard Things" conference. Anthony said it was very good!
Alex and Brett Harris
Anthony also has some exciting news to share!!! During one of the sessions, God drew Anthony to Himself, regenerated him, and Anthony was born again!!!!! We are so excited for Anthony!! May God guide and direct you as you seek to serve Him!!!
Happy Early Birthday Anthony!!!

" Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 1 Corinthians 5:17

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