Last night, my plane flew out of Rockford at 5:30 p.m. and I arrived at the Orlando/Sanford airport at 9:00 p.m. The flight went very smoothly, and Grandma and Grandpa were right there when I got to the baggage area. While we were driving back to their house, I saw how HUGE Orlando is! Grandma and Grandpa live in a gated community (Landmark Baptist Village). Today, we just relaxed in order to get ready for a busy week. :)

Grandma and Grandpa's cute little house :)

the camera I rented arrived today

Grandma and I went for a walk today in their neighborhood, and Grandma said there are usually several of these birds walking around.



palm trees

Later in the day, we went out to run an errand so I took some pictures out the window. The house are so different down her. Almost all of them are cement on outside, and the grass down here has to be watered or it will dry up.

orange tree grove

A lot of the buildings are kind of spanish looking.
So far, I am really enjoying myself!!! :)
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