After Joyce's graduation, we headed to see the Pensacola Beach.

long bridge over the gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico

coming into the beach area

There were some really nice houses along the beach front.

arriving at the beach

my first glimpse of the ocean! :)

beautiful white sand


Joyce and Grandma

Michelle and Aunt Annette

waves coming in



enjoying the water

Susan, Ruth, Michelle, me, and JoyceG

Grandma, Aunt Annette, and Joyce


me and Grandma

You couldn't even see the end of the beach!

I don't usually take pictures of random strangers, but this boy was so cute!

Ruth's artwork :)

Michelle, Courtney, and Susan

Aunt Annette


I like feet pictures. :)

There were several people fishing from the pier.

It was so neat to see the ocean for the first time, and I loved it!!!! I wish I would have brought my swimsuit to the beach so I could have swam. I wouldn't mind hanging out on the beach every day! ;)
The beach is so neat, a wonderful handiwork of God. But.. if you spent every day there, just think what you would have to show God... a suntan and some shells:).
That's true!:)
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