Friday, July 3, 2009

We arrived at the Creation Museum at about 9:45, and the museum opened at 10:00. When we got there, the parking lot was already almost full! Once inside the museum, there was a HUGE line to wait in. We were in a really slow moving line going through the first part of the museum, but after we got to the six days of creation exhibit, the rooms were definitely less crowded. We had tickets to go to the planetarium at 11:00, so we browsed through the bookstore while we waited.


We went to the planetarium which was very neat, and then we got in line to go into the actual museum rooms.

Skeleton in the entrance

When you first walk into the museum, this is what you see.

animatronic dinosaur

waiting in the long line

Look at how many people were in the first room!

dinosaur dig

The theme throughout the whole museum was the 7 Cs of history: creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, cross, and consummation. This shows the progression of history from a Biblical perspective.

This part of the museum showed a foundation on the gospel.

Isaiah, Moses, King David

John and Peter

The apostle Paul

Martin Luther

We have God's Word today.

The next part showed the results of casting out God's absolute truth and letting man decide what is right for him.

I don't if you can read what it says on the wall, so here is what it says: "As dark as things appear, God's Word gives us the foundation to rebuild. The place to start the beginning six thousand years ago."

We then moved into the six days of creation room.

Adam names the animals.

Eve is created.

Adam and Eve enjoy the Garden of Eden with....

the presence of the serpent right above them.

Adam and Eve sinned, and a lamb was slain to cover their sin.

The next room had an animatronic dinosaur as well which moved and opened its mouth. It must have pretty lifelike to Austin because he would not go near it and thought it was real! ;) Notice how Alec and Austin are both staring while everyone else is looking at the camera. ;)

Its head was pretty scary looking.

This is what Alec thought of it. He would stare at it for a few seconds and then start bawling. He kept his eye on it the whole time we were in the room.

Adam with Cain and Abel

Methusaleh talked about his grandson Noah building the ark.

The next room was a neat replica of the building of the ark.

replica of the ark

There were computers in the ark room where you could do puzzles.

What the ark might have looked like
We then saw the confusion C of history with the building of the tower of Babel.

The last room dealt with Christ, cross,and consummation.

Waiting to watch "The Last Adam."

waiting for Dad to decide where to eat- It was around 3:00 and we were all starving.

Dad waiting for lunch. We ordered from the Lakeside Grill at the museum, and it took about 30 minutes for us to get our food.

Austin liked to feed the fish in the pond. There were a lot of them!
The last thing we did at the museum on Friday was a Caribbean Adventure. We had an awesome time at the museum the first day.
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