Saturday, July 4, 2009
Since it was the fourth of July, we were expecting the museum to be really full, but when we got there about five minutes before the museum opened, the gates weren't even opened yet. We thought the lines would be huge, but there really weren't that many people there. We had pretty much gone through the whole museum the day before, but we hadn't gone the Dinosaur Den.


Austin and the T-Rex

Alec liked looking at the dinosaurs.

It was really neat to see the different kinds of dinosaurs, and they can interesting information about them.

There was a guy at the museum making balloon designs for free. Out of anything he could have, Austin wanted a sword.;) Go figure. The guy made him a bigger sword and a smaller one. He told him the bigger sword was for Austin and the smaller one was for one of his brothers so he could beat them up. Austin really liked that idea!

Waiting to go see a snake show

I hate snakes, so I definitely did not want to go to this. To make matters worse, Dad made us all sit in the third to the front row! I survived.

bearded dragon

I'm sorry this is just weird!!! Most of these snakes around his neck were corn snakes.

This python weighed 80 lbs. and was 13 ft. long!

After the snake show, we were going to go outside to eat lunch and look at the stuff out there, but it was raining. We hung out in the bookstore for a while, but it was still raining. We decided to just go outside and eat in one of the pavillions. Thankfully, the museums had umbrellas you could use because we didn't know it was supposed to rain.

Outside, there is a botanical garden and a petting zoo. It was really a bummer that it rained the whole because we really didn't get to see everything. The petting zoo was kinda gross in the rain! We weren't able to get any pics of the zoo.

the suspension bridge- Austin called it the pirate bridge! ;) Not sure why he called it that.

When we weren't watching, Alec walked out into the rain and was going to stomp in a mud puddle just as Mom caught him. ;)

Because of the rain, the fireworks were cancelled. That was a huge bummer because I love fireworks. It doesn't seem like the fourth of July without them.

This how we spent fourth of July night- in the tents out of the rain.

We got out snacks and looked at all the pics from the week. It was kind of a dreary fourth, but we had fun anyway.
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