Monday, May 17, 2010

Florida Part 5- Church

On Sunday, we went to Champion Baptist Church where the leadership was officially being passed from Pastor Asbury to Grandpa. Pastor Asbury is going into the navy to be a Chaplain. The has been meeting in a school cafeteria.
Grandpa did the Sunday School.
Pastor Asbury preached in the morning service.

Grandpa and Grandma helped to plan a special going away party for the Asburys. The cake was beautiful!!!
Mike Farris, Pastor Asbury, and Grandpa
Mr. Farris, who is a missionary to the US military, spoke in the afternoon service.
Pastor Asbury and Grandpa
the church family


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Amber's gone party!

To continue on with the whole "Florida" theme, tonight, we decided we would go to one of the parks outside of Freeport, and have an "Amber's gone party" complete with a cake. It was kind of cold and windy, but quite fun nonetheless.

One of the party-goers, enjoying himself.

Alec eating his cake...what else is there to say?

We even saved a piece of cake for you, Amber!, courtesy of Alec

Friday, May 14, 2010

Florida Part 4- Holy Land Experience

Today, Grandma and Grandpa took me to the Holy Land Experience Park. It was really neat! The buildings were designed like they would have been in Bible time Jerusalem, and there were several people dressed up from those times.
This pic is a little blurry because I took it out of the window.
animals at the entrance

the entrance

One of the first things we did was go to the outdoor Passion Play. They started out with some worship music. I like some contemporary music, but this was more charismatic so it was interesting. The play was really good though!
replica of the temple

Jesus and the disciples

Jesus praying

Roman soldiers coming to arrest Jesus

putting on the crown of thorns

taking Jesus' body to the tomb
rolling the stone over the door

the women who found the tomb empty
John and Peter

Jesus resurrected from the dead.


beautiful scenery

The Scriptorium takes you back through time to show how we got the Bible.

the Jesus boat
They put on two really good performances in the auditorium.
The first one was a patriotic program.
All of the people could really sing well!

This lady could really tap dance!

This guy's son comes home from the war.
singing "God Bless the USA"
replica of Jerusalem
the temple

This lady sang before one of the performances.
The second we went to was called "Forgiven."
King David
King David and Bathsheba
the prophet Nathan
Hosea and Gomer
buying Gomer out of slavery- A picture of God's forgiveness for adultress Israel
Paul and Timothy

beautiful flowers!


The landscaping was beautiful!

Grandpa and I
Grandma and I

Jerusalem Street Market

The Holy Land was really neat, and I would definitely recommend visiting it if you are ever in Orlando!!! :)
